Slovenian American Times
Slovenian American News

Pinocchio – Ostržek

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ENGLISH: Pinocchio – Italian writer Carlo Collodi’s story dramatized and translated into English by Čedomir Jovič.

SCENE 2 – In Geppett o’s workshop.

GEPPETTO (Satisfied): I’ll make a puppet out of this wood such as has never been seen before. (Litt le by litt le the puppet takes shape.) So, and now just to fasten the head on. There, it’s finished. It’s charming. Now I must give it a name. (He thinks. The thin voice is heard again: “Pi-no-cchi-o! Pino-cchi-o!”) Who’s that talking? Hm, Pinocchio, a
nice name! Well then, Pinocchio it is. (He picks the puppet up and says in a loud voice.) From now on you shall be called Pinocchio. (As he says this the puppet pulls off the wig on his head.) This is unbelievable! Pinocchio is the first living puppet.

PINOCCHIO (Jumping from his hands): Of course, I’m alive. What do you think? (He runs out the door.)

GEPPETTO (Running after him): Hey! Pinocchio! Stop! Stop you little rogue!

PINOCCHIO (Coming back): I’m sorry, father, I didn’t want to upset you, I’m just running for joy. I’m so happy I can walk and talk.

GEPPETTO (Wiping away tears of joy): I’m not angry with you, my son. I understand. Just you run. (To be continued.)

SLOVENSKO: Ostržek – Collodijevo zgodbo dramatiziral in v angleščino prevedel Čedomir Jovič.

2. PRIZOR – V Pepetovi delavnici.

PEPE (zadovoljen): Iz tega lesa bom naredil tako lutko, kakršne še nihče ni videl. (Polagoma lutka dobiva oblike.) Tako, in zdaj samo še pritrdim glavo. Takole, končano. Ljubka je. Zdaj ji moram dati ime. (Premišljuje. Glasek se spet zasliši: “O-str-žek! O-str-žek!”) Kdo to govori? Hm, Ostržek, lepo ime! No pa naj bo Ostržek. (Pobere lutko in reče na glas.) Od zdaj naprej boš imenovan Ostržek. (Ko to reče mu lutka potegne lasuljo z glave.) Neverjetno! Ostržek je prva živa lutka.

OSTRŽEK (mu skoči iz rok): Seveda sem živ. Kaj pa misliš? (Steče ven skozi vrata.)

PEPE (steče za njim): Hej! Ostržek! Počakaj! Počakaj, nagajivček!

OSTRŽEK (pride nazaj): Žal mi je, oče, nisem te hotel vznemiriti, samo od veselja tekam. Tako sem srečen, da lahko hodim in govorim.

PEPE (si obriše solze veselja): Nisem jezen nate, sin. Razumem. Ti kar tekaj. (Se nadaljuje…)


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